What we do

Tomorrow's food production systems

Today’s restaurant chefs want premium products, fewer imports, less overfishing and new production methods with less pollution

Johannas® is a foodtech and food production company at the forefront of creating the sustainable, circular food production systems of tomorrow.

A very successful pilot facility
We have built our pilot facility over two years, from the ground up. This has given us a unique and in-depth knowledge of what it takes to scale this type of production system. Our investment, plus 20 000 hours of unpaid work, and grants from the Swedish Innovation Agency, has enabled us to go from theory to reality in building scalable, circular production facilities.

Lessons from 150 000+ plants
Over the last three years we have produced over 150 000 plants in more than 1000 batches, to investigate what plants work best in our system, with good yield and that are attractive to restaurant chefs. With an investment of 5 M SEK in the summer of 2021, we have designed the stages towards full scale production, for a replicable and scaleable system.

R & D
We are actively pursuing research and development around our systems and processes. We have Patent Pending on a nutrient recovery system. Parts of this research is conducted in cooperation with several other organisations. Read more about our research and collaborations at Cirkularodling.se

To get to know us better, contact Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson at PGEgY2xhc3MgPSAibF9tYWlsIGxfbmV3X3dpbmRvdyIgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnRob21hc0Bqb2hhbm5hcy5vcmciIHRhcmdldD1fYmxhbms+dGhvbWFzQGpvaGFubmFzLm9yZzwvYT4=
